Randy Rensch
UX Designer/User Advocate
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Comprehensive UX experience

Pardon my talking about myself for a bit.
Actually, it comes down to various ways I can help you.

I've studied and built websites since 1996, and as a copywriter, advised clients on usability before the term "UX" was coined. After all, a headline is "user experience." A page layout is a "user interface." Like the FTC, I hold that the important thing is not what the marketer says, but what the reader percieves. I also understand the use of humor and the importance of a conversational tone. All these things — and many more — translate directly to UX Design.

Users naturally want to avoid the noise.

In those days, I coined my own phrase, "Common Sense, Uncommonly Presented." That's how I wanted the reader to feel: as if the message is simple common sense. A gut feeling. A no-brainer.

Make your page Intuitive.

Now as a User Advocate, I continue to focus on satisfying the user's wants, needs and interests. With this mindset come a full range of skills and sensibilities necessary to understanding User Experience and guiding the user to act instinctively. To get people, instead, thinking about your message.

What underlies the benefits I offer?

  • Understanding your business goals, how you view your business and your market, and how you meet your customers' needs
  • Critical thinking, candor and a collaborative mindset
  • Experience with retail, with explaining financial services, and with describing technical equipment ranging from microphones and cameras to helicopters and industrial machinery.
  • Discovery and organization of specifications and other data
  • Interdisciplinary skills including understanding the principles and capabilities of graphic design, programming, psychology, testing and other aspects of page design
  • An interest in user/reader interaction
  • Experience at gathering input and determining requirements. A self-starting facilitator, capable of project management
  • Flexibility under varying conditions and in developing design alternatives
  • Independent, unbiased evaluation of concepts and test designs. Rather than being wedded to a concept that isn't working, I am able to work up alternatives. Another longtime saying of mine is, "There's always more where this came from."

And what are those benefits?

I offer a wide range of services, almost all of them related to User Experience in some way. See the full list at my other site, Rensch.com.

For details, and to learn more about how to apply my perspective. Email me now, or call +1 718•577•0005 during New York City business hours. No charge for a get-acquainted chat.